Terms of Use
Your use of this site is governed by the following terms and by the Laws of England. If you do not accept these terms you must leave the site immediately.
This site is provided for the use of visitors from the United Kingdom only. The content of the site may not be appropriate for visitors from other countries and any information provided must be read with this in mind. The information provided here is correct as of May 2010 and you must satisfy yourself that circumstances including the laws applicable to folding campers and/or trailer tents has not changed since that time.
No liability will be accepted for information which when applied to your specific situation is found to be different in some way. If you are in any doubt about the legality of your towing a trailer you must take professional advice.
When buying a folding camper or trailer tent you must satisfy yourself as to the condition of the unit yourself or seek professional advice. Caravanwise Limited will not be in anyway liable if by virtue of the general nature of information found here or by omission you find that you have bought a folding camper or trailer tent which subsequently has problems which were not apparent to you when you bought it. In short we are trying to give you some general guidance here and if you are inexperienced in buying trailer tents or folding campers and have any doubts as to your ability to identify potential problems find someone who is and get them to help you. A little web site like this is not going to do it for you. We can offer no advice on valuation of folding campers and trailer tents.
The content and design of this site is copyright Caravanwise Limited 2010. All rights are reserved throughout the World and you may not copy or use this information on any web site or in any print publication. Some images are used with exclusive permission from their creators. You may not use these except with the prior written permission of the copyright owners.
Caravanwise is a registered Trade Mark.